Welshman from Carmarthenshire launches revolutionary digital platform to improve Welsh language education.
Living with dyslexia and ADHD has left Osian Wyn Evans from Blaenycoed, Carmarthenshire feeling ‘left behind’ and always needing to catch up. Despite the challenges, over the past 25 years Osian has led a succesful career as a software engineer. Earlier this year, he launched his business ‘Goiawn’, and with his headquarters at S4C’s Egin building in Carmarthen, his aim is to use his digital expertise to transform the experiences of children in Welsh language education.
“Welsh is my first langauge, but as an individual and as a Father, I’ve experienced how challenging it is for a child in Welsh education. National reports show a decline in attainment in pupuils aged between 7 and 11, in Welsh language education. It isn’t the children or the teachers fault. Welsh language resources are old fashioned, they don’t inspire children, and there’s nothing cool for them online. Our children and teachers are forced to turn to English resources, this isn’t good enough. Goiawn is here to change this.”
To boost literacy skills amongst children in Welsh language education, Goiawn have developped ‘Antur Amser’; a revolutionary educational resource which focuses on educating through story and digital resources. Created using the latest technology, Antur Amser will provide classrooms with original and contemporary Welsh language reading books, online activities, multi player online games and paper based activities. Antur Amser brings the subject and the language alive to children in a multi platform and entertaining way that appeals to them.
The pilot scheme, funded by the ARFOR Challenge Fund, has allowed Goiawn to
work with literacy and Welsh language experts and partners who are equally passionate about boosting the langauge skills amongst children, these include Editor Eiry Miles, Urdd Gobaith Cymru, Peniarth, Mentrau Iaith Cymru and primary school teachers.
This December, as part of the pilot scheme, Goiawn will take the first Antur Amser resorce ‘Y Fideo Diogelwch’ (the security video), into 100 schools in Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Gwynedd and Anglesey to gain feedback from the children. The second resource ‘Harlech 1404’ will be trialed during public events at libraries in the four counties, to gain further feedback from children and parents
outside the classroom.
“It’s vital that children are involved in the process of creating new and revolutionary resources for them. Children are used to using phones and screens to communicate, play games and view content, their ideas and feedback are crucial to ensure that they and the Welsh language can flourish in Welsh language education and beyond the clasroom. Antur Amser will revolutionise Welsh language education, ensuring a bright future for our children and for the language.”
For further information, to organise a visit to one of the trial sessions or to organise an interview with Osian, please contact Heulwen Davies at Llais Cymru on
heulwen@llaiscymru.wales / 07817591930.
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